Thursday, December 17, 2009

My new Christmas card display...

Remember the "clip it up" project I told you about back in October?  Well, I finally got it painted black.  I got an idea (from someone's blog) to use it for our Christmas cards this year.  I have it in the corner of our dining room.  As I look at the photos I am thinking of adding some ribbon to it and maybe something on the top - any ideas?

Also, I found this great "happy holidays" sign/ornament at a Dolle's Candyland in Ocean City, MD a few weeks ago when I was there.  It was half price and I just love it! 

I hope your holiday preparations are going well and you are enjoying this season of Advent.

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  1. A nice wide wire bow at the top with the streamers going in and around the hanging cards????


  2. How 'bout a star? It looks a bit tree-ish in the photos. Cute!

  3. This is so cute and so darn clever. LOVE it!!!!!

  4. Love this!

    Can you believe every card we've received so far has been blue and glittery...they're pretty, but I love the contrast of all your holiday cards.
